Category Archives: numismatic news e-newsletter

Coins for Special Occasions

From the Oct. 30 Numismatic News eNewsletter 
Do you purchase coins for holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions? Which one(s)?
Here are some responses from our eLetter readers. 
I purchase a 1-ounce silver coin from around the world for the birthday of each of my children and grandchildren

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Buying and Selling Gold Bullion Coins

From the Aug. 7 Numismatic News e-Newsletter
Have you bought or sold gold bullion coins during this modern-day “gold rush?” Why or why not?
Here are some answers sent from our e-newsletter readers.

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Community Voice Response: Aug. 25, 2020

From the July 31 Numismatic News e-Newsletter.
What’s your level of trust in gold’s record-high performance?
Here are some answers sent from our e-newsletter readers.
I’m confident gold will hit $2,500

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Community Voice Response: Aug. 11, 2020

from the July 17, Numismatic News E-NewsLetter
Have you come across counterfeits or suspected fakes during your time in the hobby? If so, what have you seen?
Here are some answers sent from our e-newsletter readers.
I’ve gotten a few fake ancients at different times, one even fooled two high-ranking dealers/collectors. Thankfully I got refunds on them all

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Community Voice Response: June 23, 2020

From the May 29, 2020, Numismatic News E-NewsLetter
How big of a role do auction results play in your collecting approach?
Here are some answers sent in from our E-Newsletter readers.
Auction results play some part in my collecting decisions; if I had to place this on a percentage basis, I’d say that auctions represent at least 20 percent, taking into consideration other factors that may/may not impact collecting decisions.
Ron Tartarella
Plano, Texas
None at all

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