Category Archives: Roman Dmowski

Poland: Precursor to independence, National Committee, is celebrated on new silver coin

The National Bank of Poland have issued (15th November) a new coin which remembers the auspicious day when the establishment of Poland’s National Committee. The famed legislative body undertook the arrangements of the re-establishment of Polish independence after more than 146 years of partition

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Poland: Founding member of National Committee, Roman Dmowski, featured on new gold and silver coins

The National Bank of Poland have issued (8th November) two new coins which were minted in remembrance of Poland’s momentous day in November 1917 when an independent Polish state was on the road to being recognised after more than 146 years of living under the yoke of various European empires and kingdoms. Statesman Roman Dmowski played an important role in the organising of a National Committee that became the governing body which first saw recognition by the European powers as Poland’s legitimate representation before independence was formally recognised in November 1918

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