Category Archives: Great British Coin Hunt


British Mint Issues Scarce Coins

(Image courtesy of the Royal Mint blog)
In a recent interview with The CDN Monthly Greysheeet US Mint Director David J. Ryder said, “I have to create products they [young collectors] can actually collect at a reasonable price and put in their pockets.”
Perhaps so, but any proposals for new coins need to be approved by Congress prior to commencing production

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British Royal Mint commemoratives thrive

Perhaps the number of coins needed in circulation is declining, but as this proves to be true, the British Royal Mint is using its otherwise unused capacity to increase the number of commemorative coins it produces.
There has been a notable shift in where the BRM is putting its focus. Not all of its efforts are being directed solely on coins

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United Kingdom launches new “Great British Coin Hunt” project and smartphone app about the A to Z of Britain

The Royal Mint have launched (1st March) a new Great British coin project which will see the issue of 26 new 10-pence coin designs whose theme is in line with the alphabet and highlights 26 of the country’s favourite or iconic references. From the date of the project’s launch, all 26 designs will be shown on the reverse side of 10-pence coins and will make their way into general circulation

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