Category Archives: Casa Real de la Moneda


Spain: Gold and silver collector coins highlight Spanish Renaissance as part of Europa Star series

The Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre — Casa Real de la Moneda has released (27th May) their latest collector coins which are part of the ongoing Europa “the Ages of Europe” Star series highlighting the various eras of European civilisation. The specific ages or epochs are taken from the seven eras depicted on the euro-zone banknote series introduced in 2002

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Spain: Historical coins used in Spain featured on super-sized silver one-kilo coin

The Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre — Casa Real de la Moneda has launched (29th April) their second pure silver one-kilo coin which highlights various forms of money or coinage, which, at one time, circulated in Spain or the Americas. The first one-kilo collector’s coin was issued in 2017 and featured large size silver pieces prevalent in the Americas which inspired the development of the silver dollar

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