Category Archives: coin celebrant


Larry Casagrande: Type Sets, Toned Coins and a Tortoise

By Michael S. Turrini
“You might laugh that our family’s pet desert tortoise named Lexie, at 80 pounds, is an asset to my coin passion,” chuckled Larry Casagrande of Clayton, Calif.
“We have a bearded dragon, a type of lizard; tortoises; four cats; and Sophie, our dog, who rules the house,” said Larry

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Meet the Munros: Woods and Sharing Hobby Fellowship

by Stan Turrini

The Munros, ‘Al’ and Marion, are passionate hobbyists and dedicated hobby supporters, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Married thirty years, they met when both were employed with the Canadian national/federal government though now retired. They are both Chartered Accountants, equivalent to a ‘CPA’, Certified Public Accountant, in the United States

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